Q3 Summary
VMAS had a busy third quarter this year as we focused our efforts on the Inaugural Golf Outing and Fall Semester Kick-Off with the VMC. Both of these events were a success as we were able to connect veterans, military, ROTC, students, alumni, and supporters all while having a good time. Did you miss this year’s golf outing? Don’t worry, we are already planning the 2022 golf outing!
We also dedicated some Q3 time to begin outlining our first veteran and military support program. As a veteran or military-connected individual, you may be eligible for benefits and programs at the local, state, and federal levels. The VMAS team has been exploring areas of opportunity that other support programs may not cover or that have short qualification windows. In short, VMAS is continually searching for ways to provide benefits directly to those we serve. We hope to share more details about this and other future benefit opportunities in our Q4 newsletter.
The 2021 VMAS Golf Outing Look-back
On August 28th we held our Inaugural Golf Outing at the Beavercreek Golf Club. For our first outing, we were able to provide golfers with 14 different raffle packages, free swag, prizes, food, drinks, and more. Raffle package options included Kiss tickets, household items, food gift cards, autographed Ohio State memorabilia, and alcohol/ swag from local establishments including our most popular package, a trio of bottles from Belle of Dayton distillery.
VMC / VMAS 2021 Fall Semester Kick-Off
On September 17th we co-hosted a Semester Kick-Off event with the Wright State Veteran & Military Center. The event was held at the Wandering Griffin across from campus and included food and drinks for those in attendance. VMAS representatives were able to meet Vet/Mil/dependent students, ROTC cadre/ cadets, and dependent students during this event and began collecting feedback on how our organization may be able to enable their future success.
VMAS Member Highlight: Steven Strain
Steve found VMAS through Executive Committee members Paul Fleischman and Ken Folino, as they were running miles for dollars in their first fundraising drive. Seeing fellow Marines getting involved made him want to start attending meetings and learn more about the organization. Learn more about Steven in his Member Highlight.
VMAS Events
All future events are in the planning stages, check back for details. Potential events include;
VMC/ VMAS Fall Graduation Celebration - December 2021
The VMAS Cornhole Competition - Q1 2022
VMAS Q1 Review
In 2022 we will be transitioning away from a monthly digital open house and into a quarterly in-person event where we review past, present, and future plans.
VMAS Range Day - Q2 2022 - Exploring the possibility of shooting Civil War-era weaponry with the North-South Skirmish Association
Don’t forget to check out the Wright State Alumni Association calendar for more events.